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Já o fiz isso mas nada deu certo.. uso o Windows 7. Será que tem algo a ver  ou será preciso reiniciar o PC

Aparece uma mensagem que Windows não pode acessar o dispositivo, caminho ou arquivo especificado. E que talvez eu não tenha permissões adequadas 

Hello, please make sure to run the game as administrator. Then it should work. If not please let me know.

O game tem requisito mínimo?

Windows 10, there's no Graphics Card and RAM requirements.

oh and please make sure you installed at least .NET 4.0. 

Infelizmente deve ser meu Windows..  uso o 7. O motivo da mensagem que citei de erro era o antivírus... O jogo inicia agora mas fica tudo preto e somente som...😓 agradeço pela atenção ..creio que não há mais nada a fazer enquanto não puder trocar o PC...... só porque queria ver esse game....

You hear the game but have a black screen? 

Do you have DirectX 9.0 installed? Maybe that will help.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Is this an NES ROM, or is it just a Windows app?

it's a game for Windows.

The only NES game for now is Snailhop 

Thanks for the quick response!

you're welcome!

not sure if a bug or intended, but when i killed a boss right after i died, i restarted in the room before the boss, but then teleported to victory. I was pleasantly surprised 😅. Enjoying the game so far!

I think that's a bug! At least you haven't Had to fight the boss again :D

There will be a patch coming soon, will fix this as well. Thank you!

Beat the game, it was great! Got harder halfway through 😅 gotta check out the randomizer and hard mode at some point. 

awesome! Glad you enjoyed it! :)